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Pork, Olive and Bean Stew
Some recipes are born out of design and planning; others are drawn out of sudden inspiration - a throw together that evolves through time...

Sausage Ravioli
Fresh pasta is a lovely little luxury, and homemade ravioli is the logical next step to ones homemade indulgence. As with my fresh...

Breast of Lamb
Some dishes just come out of necessity - sometimes as you stroll through the supermarkets you just stumble across the reduced section...

Bechamel Sauce (White Sauce)
Making sauces can seem daunting at first but once you get an instinct for the basics you will find it is easy to create a variety of...

Stuffed Aubergine
There are many ways to stuff an aubergine, as that old adage goes… Ok, so it’s not a quite a classic adage but aubergines are a wonderful...

Albanian Yufka Chicken
This is a highly moorish dish. Spicy chicken, caramelised onions and that staple of addictive foodstuffs - pasta - it’s certainly a good...

Oh Falafel! I feel a song coming along already. What a marvellous creation. Surely it is a king amongst foods. And one for the ages -...

Chorizo and Orange Chicken Oven Bake
Chicken and Chorizo - what’s not to love. When I first went to university I liked to think I could cook. I was probably just mildly...

This Stew is a hearty and rustic winter warmer. Paprika, chillies and cinnamon help liven up a tomato rich stew; add sumptuous chorizo...

A versatile little dip that both refreshes and enhances a vast array of dishes. Anyone who has travelled to Greece or Turkey will have...
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